Monday, July 30, 2012

Water you waiting for?

So here is something you have heard... drink water but how does this aid in weight loss and why should anyone care? Here are the top reasons I think to grab a glass and chug!
1. To burn calories you need a substantial amount of water to aid in this process. If you are dehydrated it slows down the fat burning.
2. When burning fat your body releases toxins that need to flushed out... so yay water to the rescue!
3. Reduces muscle soreness when exercising.
4. When you drink water before a meal it causes you to feel fuller faster.
5. Dehydration cause fatigued because of the blood volume reduction and no one needs any extra reason to feel tired.
OK so now that we are all ready to change our status to in a relationship with water, we need to know how much to drink. Who just said 64 ounces in their head??? Well you're wrong. Research shows that the best amount would be an ounce per pound up to 150-200 ounces. Thats a lot of water but you can always start by adding in a glass or two here and there. Another great tip is to have a certain time you want an amount of water finished. I drink a gallon a day so I mark on my water bottles how much needs to be finished and by what time (I will attach a link to explain it better). Any who, water is a VITAL part of losing weight so grab a bottle and start shedding the pounds!
Love always,
Keli K.
Keep water on Time
Lets face the facts... you CAN do it. :)

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