Monday, August 6, 2012

Smart girls use dumbbells

Every time I enter the gym I notice that just about every woman in there is on an elliptical or walking on a treadmill with the fear of adding weights. The number one reason I think woman are afraid of adding weight to their working out is because they believe they will get "bulky" and turn into the incredible hulk in neon pink. This is defiantly not the case. When some tones up and adds the touch of muscle it will actually help you to burn fat. So this means that by adding weights to your exercise routine your body will actually burn more when it is at rest! If your goal is to look better in a swimsuit or just in your everyday clothes weight training will help get you to your personal goals. Another fear I have found among many woman specifically is that they are too intimidated to go to the weight section of the gym because its all guys. I have had this fear too and I understand where you are coming from but if you want the results you cant let things like a few guys (who a really too busy checking out their own triceps in the mirror to notice you anyways) get in the way. You have a goal, passion, and will power so I say go get after it! Try a new muscle building activity today whether its body resistance or using actual weights and it will bring you one step closer to your goal!
love always, 
Keli K. 

"Strength doesn't come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming what you thought you couldn't do." 

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