Thursday, August 15, 2013

Med school or stand up comedian....

Life update:
So as many of you know I graduated college this past weekend and woke up this morning and realized I am not about to start class next week... wait what? I have been starting school since I was six, how could I find a new normal? Like any seemingly productive person I spent the day making lists of pros and cons a long side a list of goals, dreams, and jobs I would like to have. Let me just give you some advice... don't do this. In one day I have researched medical school, how to start stand up, marketing 101, and any jobs on This has led to more confusion and soul seeking. During my workout out tonight however I realized why I was in such a panic, fear. I believe that fear is a four letter word for a reason. I have been fearful on missing out on something or not discovering my purpose. I had to stop, pause, and breath.

In life we are met at several crossroads on what to do next and fear can always make us hesitate. I have come to find that in life we are only give about 80 years (if we are lucky) and so the cool thing is we get to pick what we want to fill them up with! We can either let fear dictate our next step or we can embrace the gamble and find out who we were meant to be.

All this to be said stayed tuned for whatever crazy turn comes next!

Keli K.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. John 4:18

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