Monday, September 23, 2013

HOUSTON we have a... new RESIDENT?

As some of you may know, I have been interviewing with a company called Cintas for serval months now. I started the interview process before I even graduated and I ad a good feeling about it. The job is basically dressing luxury hotel employees from the front of the house to the back. I love the hospitality field, fashion, and communications so this really seemed like the perfect opportunity but there was one pressing issue... Houston... Now nothing against my Houston friends but I have always been a Dallas girl plus I know nothing about Houston PLUS I know maybe five people who live there. This made it extremely difficult to decide on what to do. However, in the back of my mind I thought "this is too big girl for me, they want experience." Well thank you Miss America Organization for developing my interview skills! During the process I realized that because of pageants I was not only able tointerview well   but be confident enough in myself to know that I could do this job and do it well!  After receiving the  offer it has been days full of emotional roller coasters. One part of me would be exited at the thought of a new challenge and that thrill of the unknown of what could be but the other part of me has been terrified... How am I going to meet people? What church will I go to? How am I going to leave my family? Who will be my friends? My mom suggested I reach out to the The Little Couple from the TLC show or Beth Moore cause the seem like nice people... thanks mom... The other part of the fear was is this job really what God had for me? I have always had that urgency to use the talents God had given me and not settle for anything less. This was not on my radar at all. I have realized though that first, this is a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity and secondly that when I take a step back it is clear that I am fully equipped to do this "big girl" job. It utilizes the talents that The Lord has given me and for that I am extremely comforted in knowing that it is right. Scared doesn't even begin to express my feelings going into this journey. Generations and growing up have been on my mind lately as I enter this next chapter in my life. I see how quickly generations come and go and am reminded of when the Bible talks about David. It says in Acts 13:36 "Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation,  he fell asleep..." Each of use has a purpose in this generation that God instructs and organizes. Sometimes it may seem unclear or not what you had planned but thats where our faith steps in. Observe what is in front of you and ask yourself "did God equip me with what I need to be victorious in the end?" "does this utilize the talents He has given me?" if the answer is yes... Get ready, take a step forward, and Houston here we come!  
love always, 
Keli K.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be just fine in Houston! I will be there at least one weekend out of every month to visit my friends and family! I am so happy for you! Love you
