Excuse of the week... I'd work out but I don't have time. We all live very busy lives and yes some of us are busier than others but thats not an excuse to neglect your fitness. The answer to your time crunch is HIIT training! High Intensity Interval Training is the best way to burn fat and most HIIT work outs are only 20 minutes!!! How it works: you constantly change your speed and effort from aerobic to anaerobic for 20 minutes. HIIT training can be done with running, weight lifting, swimming, kickboxing, Zumba, biking, and tons of other work outs. The biggest benefit of HIIT is instead of just burning calories while exercising like when doing consistent cardio with HIIT when you get off the treadmill you will keep burning calories and fat for the rest of the day. So in turn you burn up to 9 times more fat doing HIIT training than just a traditional constant cardio. AMAZING! With all the HIIT cardio options there are also time options available for what ever your fitness level is. In my athletic conditioning class it is targeted toward extremely fit people so we do Tabata interval training with 20 seconds high intensity 10 second recovery... It will wear you out! Research has shown though that the best HIIT for burning fat is 4 minutes moderate effort with 30 seconds extreme effort but find what works best for you. So get to googling to find the perfect HIIT work out for you and let me know if you have any questions. With 9 times more fat burned and in only 20 minutes you can't lose!
love always,
Keli K.
Take the time to be your own hero today.
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