Tuesday, December 11, 2012

5 Tips to Make YOUR Early Morning Workout

Many people do their workout first thing in the morning but why? IS there a point or can we just hit snooze and move on with our lives? The truth of the matter is yes there is a point, when we just wake up it has often times been several hours since we have eaten so your body is in a fasted state. Therefore, when you wake up and hit the gym you are not simply burning the food you just consumed but rather the FAT you are trying to burn. So we burn more fat in the mornings! Now that we have that settled if your like me than you would much rather sleep in and hit snooze well here are my top 5 tips to getting out of bed! 
1. Decided the night before. You make the choice before bed to determine if you will or will not get up in the morning. If you start to make not going not an option then you will be up and ready to start making this lifestyle a habit. 
2. Have your clothes laid out with your shoes and sock sitting right by them. This saves time and brain energy. 
3. Put your alarm on an annoyingly loud tone and across the room this will get you out of bed and moving. 
4. Drink a big glass of ice water to help wake you up. 
5. Have it planned as to what you will eat when you get home. This allows you to think "if I hit the gym then I can come back and eat _________". Obviously make it a healthy choice.
ts really that simple! So make your plan, be prepared, and set that alarm clock for the body you have always dreamt of! 

Love always 
Keli K. 

"What appears to be a sacrifice today will prove instead to be the greatest investment you will ever make"